What To Do if Your Hamster is Cold or Hot!

Hamsters, as small and sensitive creatures, are highly susceptible to changes in temperature. As a pet owner, it’s important to ensure that your hamster stays comfortable, whether it’s hot or cold. One common question that arises in this context is, “Do hamsters hibernate?” While hamsters don’t hibernate in the traditional sense, they do react to temperature changes, and extreme cold can cause them to enter a state similar to hibernation.

Let’s explore how to keep your hamster safe and comfortable in varying temperatures.

Understanding Hamster Temperature Needs

Hamsters thrive in a temperature range of about 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). Temperatures outside this range can lead to health problems or even be fatal.

If Your Hamster is Cold

Signs Your Hamster Is Too Cold

Lethargy or sluggishness

Curling up tightly and not moving much

Cold body temperature

Breathing slowly or shallowly

What to Do

Warm the Room: Use a room heater to gently warm the room where your hamster’s cage is located. Avoid placing the cage directly next to the heater as sudden temperature changes can be harmful.

Check the Bedding: Ensure your hamster has enough bedding material to burrow and stay warm.

Offer Warm Foods: Providing warm (not hot) foods can help raise your hamster’s body temperature.

Gentle Warming: If your hamster is very cold, you can gently warm them by holding them in your hands or placing them on a warm (not hot) towel. However, this should be done cautiously and only if necessary.

Do Hamsters Hibernate?

While hamsters do not hibernate like bears, extreme cold can cause them to enter a state of torpor, which is a temporary hibernation-like state. If you suspect your hamster is in torpor, it’s important to warm them up slowly.

If Your Hamster Is Hot

Signs Your Hamster Is Too Hot

Panting or open-mouth breathing

Lying flat on their belly

Restlessness or trying to escape the cage

What to Do

Cool the Room: Use fans or air conditioning to cool down the room. Avoid placing the cage in direct sunlight or near heat sources.

Provide Fresh Water: Make sure your hamster has access to fresh, cool water at all times.

Offer Cool Surfaces: Place a clean, cool ceramic tile or a chilled (not frozen) water bottle wrapped in a towel in the cage for your hamster to lean against.

Limit Exercise: Reduce playtime outside the cage during hot periods to prevent overheating.

Year-Round Comfort Tips

Consistent Temperature: Try to keep the room temperature consistent year-round.

Avoid Drafts and Direct Sunlight: Place the cage in a location that’s free from drafts and out of direct sunlight.

Monitor Health: Keep an eye on your hamster’s behavior and appearance for signs of discomfort due to temperature.

Regular Cage Maintenance: Clean and refresh the bedding regularly to ensure a comfortable environment.

Emergency Situations

If your hamster shows signs of distress due to temperature extremes, such as unresponsiveness (in cold) or excessive panting (in heat), contact your veterinarian immediately.


Maintaining the right temperature for your hamster is crucial for their health and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with cold weather and wondering “Do hamsters hibernate,” or trying to keep your hamster cool in the heat, it’s important to take the right steps to ensure their comfort. By providing a stable, comfortable environment, you can help your furry friend lead a happy and healthy life.



Baron is a regional blog writer who has a passion for writing and informing others. He is a reliable source of information and always strives to provide the best content for his readers.

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